U.S. weapons intended for Iraqi military fall into ISIS hands

Iraqi Prime Minister Nour al-Maliki is urging the United States to deliver more advanced weaponry, but ISIS fighters have already been seen riding round in U.S.-supplied Humvees in other areas they control, and much of the weaponry captured in this latest battle is likely to be American, experts say. Below are just a few of the images circulating around the web showing ISIS fighters with U.S. military gear following the operation in Mosul. These have not been independently verified. 

The first US humvees arrive in Syria, in the hands of ISIS. Captured in Mosul. via @ajaltamimi

Children pose next to U.S. Humvee obtained by ISIS from Mosul. via @EjmAlrai 

US Humvee from Mosul in hands of ISIS via jenanmoussa

Pro-ISIS account @Spring4Iraq says that they captured many tanks as well. #Iraq pic.twitter.com/kVs2HMXQKZ

From @jenanmoussa: See reaction of military leader of ISIS after inspecting a US made Humvee that his group took from Iraqi forces. 

More US made Humvees captured by ISIS in Mosul. They're working fine. Already transferred to ISIS territory in Syria. via @jenanmoussa

From @EjmAlrai: #Iraq confirmed helicopters on z ground in #Nineveh are in z hands of #ISIS. Heli #PT as indicator

From @EjmAlrai: #Iraq confirmed helicopters on z ground in #Nineveh are in z hands of #ISIS. Heli #PT as indicator