Seeking refuge from war, thousands cross from Greece into Macedonia

I spent several days at the Greek-Macedonian border, covering the plight of migrants -- most of them families seeking refuge from bloody conflicts in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. These are a few of the photographs from my time with them:

A long and difficult day on the Greek-Macedonian border, with hundreds of refugees waiting for hours in the sweltering heat to be able to cross. There there was no aid presence whatsoever in the early hours of the morning -- just us and the Macedonian riot police. By the afternoon, a handful of volunteers began to trickle in to help. An ice cream vendor set up his cart right next to the border crossing, but not before treating several dozen children to free cones.

The United Nations expects up to 3,000 migrants to cross into Macedonia every day in the next few months -- most of them refugees fleeing war.

A young girl takes a nap as her family waits for the Macedonian-Greek border crossing to open.

Surrounded by Macedonian riot police, a Syrian boy waits to cross into the country from Greece.

Hundreds of migrants wait on the train tracks for Macedonians to open the border crossing.

UNICEF has established a child-friendly space with a mobile team near Gevgelija town, at the border with Greece to provide much needed support to women and children on the move through the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. At the moment, there are no such facilities on the Greek side where refugees are massing as they wait to cross.